Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Simply inspired

What seperates you from the greatest achievers on earth?
Well...a lot of things, maybe. But one thing, and probably the most important of those things is the amount of time which an inspiration stays with you, drives you.
People call this perseverence, patience, and other things. But this is what I call it: inspiration. We do everything in life for something. That something is what becomes inspiration when you try to achieve something.
Great quotes give you inspiration. Your Dad's words, people's achievements, someone's attention :), sometimes even a humiliation gives you inspiration.
Some people start working vigorously when they get that inspiration, some decide to work, some just get inspired and go on with their life as usual or just don't care about it.
You will achieve something only if you are in the first or the third group. The second strategy never works out.
The achievements of the first will then actually depend on how long that inspiration stays with him. It is this quality that differentiates great people from the not-so-great. If you read the biographies of great people, they never forget the events and things in their lives that inspired them, changed them. That is why they become what they are.
The third kind will include people who get inspired by themselves and nothing else. This is another group of people who can achieve great things, though it is very difficult to inspire yourself all the time and especially when the chips are down.
Whatever be your category, self-inspired or externally inspired, how long you can stay inspired is what will decide how much you can achieve.

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