There are times when you feel that the only thing you want to kill is time and there are definitely others when the only thing that you seem to require is time.
According to the theory of relativity, if I am running faster time runs slower for me and if I am running slower time runs faster for me. This is so, since the speed of time can be taken as a universal constant.
I would like to proceed by demonstrating the point with examples and then end with my conclusion.
If you go to the coffee shop with your father, mother and grandparents you are bound to feel time running very slowly. This might seem a contradiction, but no.
Your speed as compared to your elders is definitely faster and the amount of knowledge about the proceedings at the café that you process is definitely more than them and so you are at a higher pace than your interacting surroundings, i.e. your parents.
In the same background if you accompany your girlfriend, with whom you are head over heels in love, then you are bound to feel time running away faster than expected.
This is not only due to the fact that you are involved in something very passionately but there is also a deeper reason behind. When you are the one more in love and you think the girl has more options than you and can also change her boyfriend, then you try to outthink her, which I must inform is not so easy when confronted by a pro.
Your mind will run slower than you require it to. You will want her to think slower than you but her pace will remain constant, in turn making you feel the need to speed up things in your top floor. This is when you encounter the second case.
There are unlimited such cases through which I can illustate this hypothesis.
For the moment though.... take care..
Another year ..
9 years ago